Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nur 24 Tage bis Berlin!

The title says it all: I am so excited about my upcoming (but not upcoming enough!) trip to Germany! This semester, instead of being at Transy, I have decided to study abroad through KIIS at the Universität Regensburg in Regensburg, Germany. The program lasts from March 1-July 31 and I will spend that time in Regensburg, continuing the German classes I've been taking since I started college. Even though I am not there yet, it is definitely going to be the best five months ever.

Regensburg! Thanks Wikipedia
What's even better is that I get to leave early and not have to drag out my boring existence at home any longer! I met these strangers who are going to be doing the same program in Regensburg with me and they told me all about their plans to go to Berlin a week before we are due in Regensburg. Normally it probably goes against safety logic to travel with strangers, but a) I'm in college, so I'm daring b) They seem so nice and fun that I couldn't resist c) I have thoroughly stalked them on Facebook to make sure they are good citizens (they are). So that is how I have made two new friends named Elizabeth and Morgan, and how I plan to tag along on their Berlin adventure. They are flying into Berlin shortly before I arrive the next day, on February 23, and then we are meeting up. Yay!

It's been a long few months at home. Mostly I have spent my time working and studying for the LSAT which I am taking on February 12. Then when that is over, I only have a small bit of time to wait out until the fun can begin!

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