Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stark Bier Fest, Tiergarten, Exams

I know that I am the worst blog updater out there, but it has been a crazy few weeks and I am yet again short on internet connection. My mom sent me her laptop as soon as I arrived here since mine was not working out, but last Wednesday the charger completely stopped working and since then I have been unable to get online at home. Rudy is sending me another charger this week, so hopefully I will have it by the weekend. In the meantime I have been borrowing my friends computers and coming here (the University computer lab) to do work.

I don't even know where to begin with the last few weeks, but I believe a quick summary and then some fun details will do the trick. One thing to note about Germany is that a change in weather conditions can quickly make life go from decent to fantastic. Not only has the weather been sunny and in the 60s and 70s, but I finally don't have to drag a huge coat around everywhere.I have spent a lot of time outside walking, discovering cool new places in Regensburg, and getting to know the city better. It is the last week of my intensive language course and we have all of our tests this Thursday and Friday. I am so ready for this dreadful course to be over. It really has put a damper on the trip since it takes up so much time! Once it is over, we have two weeks off and then we begin our summer courses. I have set up my schedule so that I only have class on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday so I will definitely have a lot more free time.

So now on to the actually fun things that I have been up to....

 In Germany, the Germans have learned how to best take advantage of the weather turning lovely: A  massive beer festival. Two weekends ago we  made plans to go to the Stark Bier Festival in Munich after hearing that it is "Like Oktoberfest, only better." We spent all week preparing, which included buying dirndls.

On the Thursday before the festival Morgan and I decided to venture into the Lederhosen and Tracht store in town to buy our own. We got there and hilarity instantly ensued. It was really funny to look through all of the dresses and to try them on, especially with the store lady following us around like she did. We ended up getting a really good deal and it was definitely worth it. 

Saturday we woke up around 8:45 to catch the bus into town so we could ride the train to Munich. On the train, we sat with our Colorado friends who always provide a lot of entertainment. They were helped out by the train's beverage seller, who caught us up on the latest celebrity news and even a few live performances of Britney Spears. We got to Munich around 12:15, got lunch, and walked to the brewery that was hosting the festival for the weekend. It was absolutely packed. There were millions of long tables in  the outside area and the same number inside the beer hall.

Inside the Beer hall.... crazy!

We spent the entire day eating Wurst and Brezel, sitting and enjoying the sun.... and of course enjoying the delicious beer. I really don't find most beers delicious, so you will have to take my word for it that this beer was the king of all beers. The day was long and amazing and by the time we got home I was definitely ready to sleep by midnight.

Last weekend we went on yet another adventure in Munich. We went to the zoo to celebrate one of the Coloradans birthdays and it was a great time. We even got to see some giraffes. On the way back we stopped at our friend Charlene's birthday party at Galerie. I ended up going home pretty early but Liz and Morgan (especially Morgan) had a pretty eventful evening... Sunday I woke up early and went on a hike in nearby Adlersberg with the rest of the DaF group and it was absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately I forgot that the sun also exists in Germany (who knew!) and I got sunburned from spending five hours walking outside and eating lunch at the beergarden. Once I got back, even though I was exhausted, I ended up going on a long walk with Morgan and Liz to a bridge over the Donau that was nearby. I must have walked about thirteen miles the entire day, but I am in great need of a workout anyways thanks to all of the beer and wurst, so I am sure it didn't hurt me.
So the rest of this week will be pretty boring as I get ready to take all of my exams, but I am really looking forward to the end of this boring dreadful class and the beginning of summer! I cannot believe I have already been here almost two months, but I am really glad that I still have more than three to enjoy!

I promise I will update this more often and in better detail once I have a working laptop!

Love Ashley

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