Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mai Dult, Westbad, and the end of the world

Happy May 21! It's 4:24pm here, and with impending rapture I can only hope to make it another hour and a half before I get sucked up into heaven. But in the off-chance that doesn't happen, I guess I should update you all on my life in Germany as of late.

Spring semester is pretty much the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Not only am I only in class around 6 hours a week, but my instructors don't want to strain me further by placing the burden of homework on me. It's quite a change from the 7 hours of torture a day from March and April (better known as the Intensive Language Course). I have lots of time to sleep in, take pleasant strolls around the city, and participate in other German-related activities. It's really nice. However, the abundant free time does make life around here a little less interesting and a lot more boring. Sometimes I find myself thinking longingly about what my friends are doing back in the states, but I am still glad to be here and ready to enjoy two more months! To take up some of that boring free time, I have decided to work a little bit on filling it with useful things such as actually working on my thesis paper for next fall and studying for the LSAT. I ordered a Logic Games book the other day and hopefully it will get here soon so I can get to work... again.

I have been lucky enough to get a great host family here in Regensburg. Our program decided it would be nice for us to link up with a Regensburg family who (even though we aren't living with them) could show us around town and spend time with us. It's been really nice to spend time with them. My host parents are Monika and Helmut and they have one son who is studying abroad right now in the U.S. (Texas). They have a cat, too! I first met them at a program dinner and then they invited Liz and I to have dinner with them at Liz's host parent's house. We went there last last Wednesday and had a great shrimp meal! Then this past Monday they took us to the Mai Dult festival. The Mai Dult is a giant festival (think Oktoberfest, only scaled down for a smaller city) that is held here in Regensburg for two weeks and three weekends in May. I first went there two Fridays ago with Morgan and Liz and we wore dirndl, drank beer, and danced all night with some of their rugby friends. It was quite an evening. There are giant beer tents all over, carnival rides, a flea market, and lots of delicious German food options. Unfortunately, the beer runs at about 8 euros a liter and even though it only take one or two to be enjoying the night, that's still a pretty high fare. Anyways, we have gone several times to the festival just to enjoy the scene. It's really cool to have something so exciting going on here in our little town. Also, Anna and I visited Westbad the other day, which is like a giant pool complex with tons of little and big pools (indoor and out) and they even have saunas and some slides! It only costs 3 euros for students, so I plan on going a lot more often as it gets warmer.

Crazy beer tent
My host mom, Monika, and me at the Dult

Other than the Dult, which has provided lots to do, I have been laying low for the most part. I am still trying hard to save money, especially now that I have a few trips planned for June. Rudy will be arriving on June 25 and we will spend a few days here and then we are flying to Edinburgh, Scotland for the 27-29, then coming back to visit Salzburg in Austria. I am really excited to get out of Germany for a bit and see some new places! It's crazy that all of my friends are already coming home from their trips abroad, but I will still be here until July 29 when I fly home. I am definitely not ready to go, but I find myself getting frustrated with the experience a lot lately. It's difficult to live in a place where you haven't quite figured out the language entirely, but yet are surrounded by extremely rude people who have no appreciation that you are really applying yourself to learning it all! A lot of people I have met have been so nice and welcoming, but on the whole, Germans could use a little work on their hospitality and manners. Being wary of obnoxious foreigners who scream drunkenly on the bus and in the bars is one thing, but acting like a total jerk to someone who is just trying to have a polite conversation and happens to be an American is another. However, I have made some really fantastic friends here and I know that once it comes time to leave, I won't want to go. It's such a simple and relaxing lifestyle here, and while I don't think I could get used to this as a long term lifestyle, it certainly has been a good experience for me.

Love Ashley

Regensburg view. It really is gorgeous!
Some friends enjoying the Dult!

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